May 29, 2024
Skin flare-ups? Here might be why acne is coming back: expert

Skin flare-ups? Here might be why acne is coming back: expert

If being stressed and overtired leads to breakouts on your skin, a dermatologist has some tips for getting your complexion in check.

Dr. Renee Beach, a dermatologist, says when we are stressed out, it shows.

“It’s a really vast concept, but it really deals with dysregulation,” she told CTV’s Your Morning on Monday, explaining some of the many factors that cause skin flare-ups.

Underlying conditions can influence the effect, Beach says. Someone with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), for example, might experience acne appearing on the lower part of their face.

Another condition, like a thyroid disorder, could be associated with hair loss or itchy skin.

“As a medical doctor, we often don’t start with the trigger, we start with the end result,” Beach said. “But if I had to pull it back, some things that are definitely caused by anxiety, at least from a dermatologic perspective.”

When a person has high anxiety it can result in Lichen simplex chronicus, she said, which presents as dry, patchy areas of skin that resemble scales.

Beach said acne can also present when people push their bodies too hard, pulling an all-nighter to complete a project, for example.

People often look for external factors causing their poor skin condition, Beach says.

“A lot of the time people think about their detergents or something that’s a product that they’ve been using, which definitely can impact the skin.”

To avoid skin flare-ups, Beach recommends not touching your skin.

“Touch your skin only when you’re cleansing it (and) when you’re moisturizing it, but otherwise throughout the day, you’re just playing with your skin, subconsciously picking or rubbing up the skin it’s not going to be helpful,” she said.


For all of Beach’s tips watch the video at the top of this article.  

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